2005 ASF Newsletter
The Application Systems Forum newsletter is mailed to subscribers during each month that user group meetings are scheduled. We are currently expanding the content of our newsletter, so look for more information on systems automation, application software, tips and tricks, and much, much more. Due to the many different types of e-mail clients, the ASF newsletter will be sent to subscribers in Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) format. This will provide all subscribers with an electronic version of the newsletter which can be viewed and printed to your local printer if desired.
Subscribing / Unsubscribing
To subscribe to the Application System Forum Newsletter, send a blank e-mail message to [email protected] with the subject SUBSCRIBE or click on the following link. [email protected]. Your subscription will be automatically confirmed and ASF will send you the latest copy of the ASForum Newsletter.If you wish to stop your subscription to the Application System Forum Newsletter, send a blank e-mail message to
[email protected] with the subject UNSUBSCRIBE or click on the following link.
[email protected]. Your subscription will be immediately canceled.
Call for Articles
If you would like to publish an article in the Application Systems Forum newsletter or if you have an idea of something which you would like to read about, please feel free to e-mail [email protected].Adobe Acrobat ReaderThe Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view and print the Application Systems Forum Newsletter. If you do not have the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader software you can download it for free from
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.AdvertisingIf you are interested in placing an advertisement in the newsletter please contact the Publications Director at [email protected].